March 11th, 2023 Meeting Notice

Lake Superior Woodturners MEETING DETAILS

Date    Saturday, March 11, 2023

Time   9 a.m. – 12 noon

Location    Jon Stephenson’s Shop, 9 Kilner Bay Drive, Superior, WI


Call to Order

           Presidents Report –            Introduction of new members and visitors

                                                       Minutes from last meeting

           Treasure’s Report –         

           Old Business –                 Platter workshop discussion

                                                       Service Project – Beads of Courage

                                                       Update on Jeff Dorfman’s project building.

           New Business –             

9:30 Show & Tell – Please bring in a project and briefly describe how you made it. Since we learn from each other, this is a great part of our program, so we hope everyone participates. Critiques are optional, just let us know if you are showing something you just learned, and you are proud to present it to the group; or maybe you are showing it because you are looking for suggestions on how to improve or make changes for next time. This month we are suggesting you bring in any EGGS you have made.

Questions & Answers – Do you have a tool you are questioning how to use?  A chunk of wood in the shop you haven’t been able to figure out how to cut up or what to make with it?  A finish that isn’t quite coming out right? Bring it in and let the group brainstorm with ideas.

PROGRAM – Romaine Miller, who has demonstrated many of his homemade tools and is known for his skills with the skew, will start out by demonstrating his method for turning eggs.

John Thompson will be Following Romaine. John came to Duluth in the Air Force, fresh from Vietnam.  Liked it here and stayed.  His career was in Forestry, working for the St. Louis County Land Department. John was a field forester, and then for the last 20 years oversaw field operations on about 550,000 acres of County land.  His wood working experience started in 7th grade shop class, and he’s fiddling with wood ever since.  John considers himself a mediocre to average turner, has made some furniture and two canoes, and for the last 17 years has been the “tree guy”, making decorative trees out of pretty wood.  A few months ago, John passed the 55,000-tree mark.

John will do an overview of woods that are available locally, or that are not too hard to obtain; will talk about the properties of each wood, especially relative to turning and finishing.  Some of this part will be interactive discussion because many of our members will have experience with various woods. We will talk a little about where to obtain wood, and wind up with some examples of non-traditional woods that are available locally, such as Caragana, Lilac, Honeysuckle, and Sumac.

Open turning and mentoring session planned for the 18th. Jon’s shop will be open from 9am to noon, there are three lathes for those that want to try turning something, and help will be provided to those that need a little mentoring.  Please let us know if you plan on coming to turn so we can reserve a lathe for you.


Lake Superior Woodturners Executive Board Contact Information:

President Susan Van Loon Runnoe                        

218 341-8247

Vice President Doug Runnoe                      

218 391-5419

Secretary Ray Hyde                                    

715 813-7616

Treasure Paul Howard                       

218 340-2208

Program Director John Skarja                        

218 464-8129

Greg Whitaker                                            

989 798-3181

Robb Glibbery                                                

218 525-7391

Jon Stephenson, MD                         

218 348-5098