October 8, 2022 Meeting

Lake Superior Woodturners


Date    Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022

Time   9 a.m. – 12 noon


     H&H Imports, 1205-93rd Ave West, Duluth


Coffee & chatter

Call to Order

Presidents Report

Introduction of new members and visitors

Minutes from last meeting

Membership/Dues – see attached letter

Treasure’s Report –

>> Vote for Two Open Board of Director Positions –

“The Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) Executive Officers and no less than two (2) elected Directors, plus the Program Director and the immediate Past President.“

Nominations are open and can be sent to hayryde@cheqnet.net prior to the October meeting – we will also open nominations at the beginning of the discussion if anyone wants to nominate someone from the group.<<

Show & Tell – While we eat and visit at Jon’s bring something you have made to show the group.

President’s Challenge: “Sports and Games” in honor of football season, “Baseball playoffs”, end of summer sports season and beginning of Fall sports, etc.  So with that said, the challenge could be a baseball, bat, football, croquet set, golf balls and tees, … however, thinking outside the box, if you think “indoor sport” maybe chess or game boards are a bit more of your sport. Use your imagination. Have fun. “Challenge yourself”.

PROGRAM – This month we are moving lathes from H&H to Jon’s shop so we can resume sharing sessions with our members like we’ve done in the past – it has been a while since we’ve been able to do this, and I think we’re all looking forward to finally being able to turn wood together.

*We have two lathes that need casters placed on legs, and while that is being done, we will have a trailer available to load the lathes that already have casters installed.  We will need help loading, unloading, and placing the lathes at Jon’s, so please be there if you can!

**Susan and Doug will bring food/treats to Jon’s shop, so once we are moved stay, eat, and socialize, and discuss future programming and club events.

***Raffles will also take place at Jon’s shop after lathes are moved in. We have quite a few wood blanks to choose from…from decent bowl size down to pen blank size.


Contact Information

President Susan Van Loon Runnoe  sjeval@pcsinter.net                  218 341-8247

Vice President Doug Runnoe            dorun920@yahoo.com             218 391-5419

Secretary Ray Hyde                          hayryde@cheqnet.net               715 813-7616

Treasure Paul Howard                      paulhoward2208@gmail.com   218 340-220

LSW membership application attached.

October 3, 2022

To the Members of the Lake Superior Woodturners,

On Wednesday, September 14, 2022, we had a regular LSW meeting where we distributed a new Membership form which showed an increase in dues for our 2022-2023 season.

As you are aware from our past few meeting discussions and emails we have sent out to membership there has been concern about how we will meet all of our financial obligations this upcoming year without increasing dues. With the sale of H&H Exports and our commitment to move into the Jeff Dorfman Art Space in Superior we will see a significant increase in rent. The new space also means new opportunities for demonstrations, classes and programming, which in turn we hope will lead to a significant increase in membership and exposure for the club. Our initial expectation that all of this would transpire in the spring of 2023, and we acted on those assumptions when we initially raised membership dues to $75/year.

Over the last week or so we have had conversations with Jeff Dorfman, who now believes the start-up date will be later in 2023. With this new information and some member concerns about the rate increase, we spent the last five days or so having numerous discussions reexamining our figures. We feel we have an opportunity to more gradually adjust our dues, and then work to improve our financials so we can begin to maintain our existing equipment and prepare us for the move in 2023.

We want you to know we are not taking a raise in dues lightly and even after presenting it to membership last week there were still concerns about how the increase would affect membership.

Our commitment to you is we will continue to find ways to bring money into the club to help offset our membership costs, and we will continue to make your membership in the Lake Superior Woodturners a worthwhile investment.

Our hope is that all current members will continue to remain members of the Lake Superior Woodturners as we go through these changes. We will do everything in our power to make sure you see the value in continuing your membership, and if our efforts are successful as we believe they will be we also hope we will see a significant increase in the membership in our group. We sincerely thank you for your continued support.

Please send us an email or come to a club meeting if you have additional questions.

Thank you,

Lake Superior Woodturning


Susan Van Loon Runnoe – President

Douglas G Runnoe – Vice President

Ray Hyde – Secretary

Paul Howard – Treasurer

Jon Stephenson—Past President

P.S. Attached you will find a PDF document that has examples of different dues and expense amounts. If you look specifically at page 4 you will see where it shows a $60/yr example.